Fonts, scales and styles for typograpical elements.
Typography groups together font size, weight, family and line heights.
Responsive font sizes are array values that correspond to the responsive breakpoints. The first value will be used below the smallAndUp breakpoint, the second value will be used for all other screen sizes.
Line Height
Line height is a ratio and applies to all text, including headings and body text.
Token | Default Value |
lineHeights.standard | 1.5 |
Token | Default Value |
fontWeights.normal | 400 |
fontWeights.bold | 700 |
fontWeights.semiBold | 600 |
Nebula uses the Lato (opens in new window) and Open Sans (opens in new window) font families which are available as Google fonts. If these font families are not present then the fallback of Arial will be used.
Token | Default Value |
fonts.display | "Lato", Arial, sans-serif |
fonts.body | "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif |
fonts.monospace | Courier |
Font Sizes
Font sizes are paired for responsive scaling. Each token has an array of corresponding values. As a general rule, the small screen size is usually one step down the scale. e.g. body on small screen is equivalent to small on screen sizes above small.
The scale is also available under fontSizes, but the recommendation is to use responsiveFontSizes to get the responsive pairings.
Token | Default Value |
responsiveFontSizes.small.0 | 1.2rem |
responsiveFontSizes.small.1 | 1.4rem |
responsiveFontSizes.body.0 | 1.4rem |
responsiveFontSizes.body.1 | 1.6rem |
responsiveFontSizes.level1.0 | 2.8rem |
responsiveFontSizes.level1.1 | 3.2rem |
responsiveFontSizes.level2.0 | 2.4rem |
responsiveFontSizes.level2.1 | 2.8rem |
responsiveFontSizes.level3.0 | 2.0rem |
responsiveFontSizes.level3.1 | 2.4rem |
responsiveFontSizes.level4.0 | 1.6rem |
responsiveFontSizes.level4.1 | 2.0rem |